Wednesday, April 14, 2010

amazing spelled backwards is CAMERON!

My little brother, Cameron, is probably one of the best and sweetest boys I have ever known. I went to one of his orchestra rehearsals tonight and saw what an amazing musician he is and how self-motivated he can be. He helped start this orchestra (Placer County Youth Orchestra) and he's done an amazing job. Because this was something he wanted, he went all out for it - researched and found music, contacted people he knew could help, transposes parts for other musicians who can't or don't even care, judges competitions and seating auditions and plays whatever part they need him to play. I couldn't even begin to accomplish something like that and especially not when I was only 13. All I cared about when I was his age was stupid things like boys and wanting to go to dances. He is more motivated than I feel I will ever be.

I started thinking about everything else this little amazing dude does. Gets straight A's in all of his classes, scores in the 97th percentile on all his tests in school, made the volleyball team, plays with the Sacramento Youth Symphony, plays in and helps organize the PCYO (mentioned earlier), has practiced and can now play piano/guitar/trumpet/drums/baritone AND can sing very well, has done numerous plays with Music Circus and Magic Circle Theater, is about to start his Eagle project in scouts and still finds time to spend with his family, making other people feel good about themselves and to do his homework at the end of the night.

I cannot believe what an amazing kid Cameron is, and I feel bad that not everybody appreciates that or even SEES it when he's in front of them. He goes above and beyond everyone's expectations and I love him to death.

When I grow up, I want to be like Cameron.


  1. Ay-yay, I have a lot to say. First off, I want and need you to know, I love you more than anything. I'm not just saying this, but from a young age I've looked up to you, and I wished I could be like you. You are kind and sweet to everyone you meet, an amazing musician and person, and when I even see you I smile. I'm proud to know you are my sister, and a very, VERY lucky brother. I really hope as I get older I can be like you in every way. You inspire me and I love you so much. please stay the way you are and remember that you have a little bro who trusts you and cares for you more than anything. -your brother

